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This week’s edition!

“Earn While You Learn” CNA program graduates first cohort


Posing on Aloha Day at Clover Manor in Auburn are course graduates (l. to r., from front) Erica Beaulieu, Sabrina York, Amy Norton, Maddox Michaud, Gina Karkos, Brenna Rasmussen, Jodi Horan, instructor Evawn Young, R.N., Kenneth Bergeron and Ryan Robitaille. 

Nine recent graduates of the Nursing Assistant course at the Maine College of Health Professions have passed the Maine competency examination. This group of students was the first accepted into Central Maine Healthcare’s new “Earn While You Learn” program. The cost of the program is paid by Central Maine Healthcare and students are paid to attend the program. They will work at CMMC, Rumford Hospital or Bridgton Hospital for at least two years.

Completing the program were Erica Beaulieu, Kenneth Bergeron, and Ryan Robitaille of Lewiston; Maddox Michaud, Brenna Rasmussen and Sabrina York of Auburn; Jodi Horan of Bridgton; Gina Karkos of Poland; and Amy Norman of North Bridgton.

The nursing assistant class consists of 90 hours of classroom instruction, 20 hours of laboratory experience, and 70 hours of clinical experience at Central Maine Medical Center and Clover Manor. Upon successful completion of the 180 hours of course work, students are eligible to take the state certification exam. After successful completion of this exam, students are placed on the Maine Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants and may be employed as certified nursing assistants in Maine.

The Maine College of Health Professions offers associate degree programs in nuclear medicine technology, nursing and radiologic technology. Certificate programs are available in computed tomography, Reiki and nursing assistance. General education courses are offered each semester and are open to the public. For more information about classes and programs at the College, see

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