Dr. Seuss bulletin board winners are announced

First place winner, Jessica Swindlehurst, grade 1 teacher
, featuring “The Lorax.” See page 4 for more winners. Photo by Monica Millhime.
Bulletin boards created by students and their teachers were among the highlights of Lisbon Community School’s Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration on March 6.
“Grades pre-kindergarten through grade 4 participated,” said Monica Millhime, Lisbon’s Community Resource Coordinator. “Teachers and students decided on themes, the layouts and the designs of their Dr. Seuss-themed boards and were very excited to have completed their contest entry by the night of the event.”
More than 400 attendees were invited to tour the LCS campus prior to the featured guest readers to vote for their favorite display. Entries featured some of the all-time favorite Dr. Seuss books and provided lessons in creativity, teamwork, strategic planning and the ability to meet deadlines.
The people’s choice for the best classrooms’ presentations were: first place – Jessica Swindlehurst, grade 1 teacher, featuring “The Lorax”; a tie for second place with Beth Gilbert, grade 1 teacher featuring “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”; and Phyllis St. Pierre, grade 2 class – “The Shape of Me.” Third place was Deb Furrow’s kindergarten class featuring “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” All classrooms received a certificate of participation and the winning classrooms received iTune gift cards courtesy of LCS Parent Teacher Group.