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This week’s edition!

Chamber to host blood drive

The Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will conduct a blood drive on Monday, August 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chamber’s office at 415 Lisbon Street in Lewiston. The goal for the drive is to collect 30 units of blood, each of which can save three lives. To reach this goal, the drive will need 50 donors.

To register as a donor, contact Deborah at the Chamber at 783-2249 or, visit, or visit (go to “Find a Drive” and, under “Zip or Sponsor Code,” enter “ACCC”).

Appointments will be scheduled every 15 minutes. If you register via email or online, please include your preference for an appointment time in the subject line or comments section. The Chamber is located at 415 Lisbon Street in Lewiston.  For more information, call 783-2249 or visit the Chamber’s website.

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