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Bishop blesses new Garden Mausoleum in Lewiston


The new St. Louis Garden Mausoleum at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lewiston contains 76 single crypts, 64 companion crypts, and 284 cremation crypts.

Bishop Robert P. Deeley recently blessed and dedicated the new St. Louis Garden Mausoleum at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lewiston. The mausoleum contains 76 single crypts and 64 companion crypts, as well as 284 cremation crypts. The planning process for the mausoleum began nearly three years ago and construction began last autumn.

The Garden Mausoleum is located near the cemetery’s larger mausoleum and chapel and is named for the recently closed St. Louis Church in Auburn. During Saturday’s dedication ceremony, Georgette Berube, a former parishioner, presented a brief history of the parish.

Those who gathered for the dedication also heard Laurier Raymond, Jr., chairman of the cemetery’s board of directors, speak about the cemetery’s rich history. Originally known as the French Cemetery, St. Peter’s opened in 1876. At the time, it was just eight acres, but it has since grown to 70 acres of developed land.

The Dominican Fathers owned and operated St. Peter’s Cemetery from 1881 until 1994, when it became a diocesan cemetery.

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