We Love Gorham 2020 event
In the fall of 2016 an idea percolated in the mind of a local pastor: What would it look like to have a crowd of people from local churches and around the community join together for a day of service and acts of kindness for the good of Gorham? He found that thought exciting. So, beginning in October a group of people began meeting, at his invitation, to think and dream and pray that it might really happen.
On June 17, 2017, it did! Over 400 people gathered and served. Some came from Gorham churches, whose members worked hard to organize things. Some came from the schools, because the visible “big ticket item” was accessible zip lines installed at each of the three elementary schools. Some came because they were brought by a neighbor. Most lived in Gorham, but some came from away (word gets around). It was hot, sweaty work, but the smiles on faces communicated joy, especially from those children for whom playgrounds are mostly not usable because of disability.
Why did we work all those months, hashing out details, wondering if it would work, running into roadblocks, wondering if enough people would come to accomplish our big dreams? Why did a crew sweat through an unusually hot April vacation alongside school facilities personnel, digging holes and wrestling concrete curbing? Because we love Gorham. And it’s not just that we like living here, with nice neighborhoods and great playgrounds. Ultimately, when we say we love Gorham, we mean that we love the people who live here. It is an attempt to love a neighbor, perhaps one who lives close by, but also the one on the other side of town.
When we meet at the playground, we are reminded that we are neighbors. If we can do good for another, especially one who has a particular disadvantage or disability, isn’t that what we should do first? This is love. We Love Gorham is a cooperative event designed to join volunteers together to serve our community. The 2019 event took place on June 29 and consisted of various projects across the town of Gorham. We Love Gorham 2020 will be held on June 27.
The 2019 partners were Cressey Road United Methodist Church, Summit Community Church, Galilee Baptist Church, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Young Life and The Navigators.