Updates from the Town of Gorham Manager’s Office
GORHAM, ME (June 24, 2022) — The following are updates from the Town Manager’s Office:
Town of Gorham Senior Property Tax Assistance Program Applications Now Available
Senior Property Tax Assistance Program applications are now available in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Gorham Municipal Center and online on the Town of Gorham’s website as a downloadable form via https://www.gorhamme.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif4456/f/uploads/senior_property_tax_application_4.pdf.
The deadline to submit applications to the Town Clerk is August 1, 2022. For questions and/or assistance with completing an application, residents can email seniorrebate@gorham.me.us or call 222-1671.
The Senior Property Tax Assistance Ordinance can be read at
Villages Master Plan Project Update
Community members attended the first public meeting on the Villages Master Plan project, a collaborative effort between the Towns of Gorham and Windham, on May 25, 2022 at which the project team discussed project goals and previous master plans.
A video recording of the meeting can be accessed at https://bit.ly/39O6AaM.
The Villages Master Plan survey is still open and input is still needed to help shape the upcoming design and next steps in the process. Folks can access the survey at https://www.villagesmasterplan.com/survey.
Survey to Update Long Range Transportation Plan for Gorham & Greater Portland Region
Folks can share feedback and ideas for improved mobility in Gorham and the surrounding region via the Greater Portland Council of Governments “Connect 2045” survey at https://www.connect2045.org/, and help guide the types of transportation projects to be funded over the next 25 years.
Food Truck Thursdays Starting June 30, 2022
Folks can enjoy a variety of options from a lineup of food trucks and help support local businesses every Thursday, beginning June 30th at the Little Falls Recreation Area.
Employment Opportunities with Gorham Fire & Rescue
The Gorham Fire and Rescue department is currently hiring for the positions of Firefighter/Paramedic, and Assistant Fire Rescue Chief. Those interested in applying can find the job openings on the Town website at https://www.gorhamme.org/human-resources/pages/employment-opportunities.