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Mechanics Savings supports Good Shepherd Food Bank


Mechanics Savings Bank Business Specialist Sonia Theberge (l.) presents a $1,500 donation check to Good Shepherd Food Bank president Kristin Miale.

In keeping with its long-standing commitment to providing support for those in need, Mechanics Savings Bank has donated $1,500 to Good Shepherd Food Bank. Made in response to the non-profit’s annual appeal, the donation will help feed hungry children, seniors and families in our communities.

“We are grateful for the support of Mechanics Savings Bank,” said Good Shepherd president Kristen Miale. “Their generosity will help us in our work of providing nearly 1.9 million meals to people living with hunger in Androscoggin County.”

Since 1981, Good Shepherd Food Bank has partnered with individuals, businesses, and farmers to alleviate hunger and build community relationships. Now the largest hunger relief organization in Maine, Good Shepherd provides for those at risk of hunger by soliciting food donations and purchasing food at wholesale prices, then distributing this food through more than 600 partner agencies throughout the state.

Since its founding in 1875, Mechanics Savings Bank has remained committed to giving back to the communities it serves through charitable donations and volunteerism. This year, the bank has supported more than 80 non-profit organizations. In the past decade, the bank has contributed more than $1 million to non-profits within Androscoggin and Cumberland Counties.

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