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Windham Middle School Students Fight Maine’s Opioid Crisis 

WINDHAM, ME (May 1, 2023) — Students at Windham Middle School in Windham, Maine, recently embarked on an exciting and impactful Project Based Learning endeavor that aimed to turn back the high tide of Maine’s opioid epidemic.   

The “Back to the Future” themed project’s name is “Taking Back Maine’s Future”.  2023 marks the fourth such annual community event. 

Students carefully studied the impact of Maine’s current opioid epidemic using extensive research and input from a panel of experts including local law enforcement,  UNE pharmacy students and staff, and persons in the recovery community.  

Students then sought to predict what Maine’s future may look like in two vastly differing futures; A future where their generation is able to find solutions for the state’s horrifying opioid epidemic, ending the crisis before it gets worse; and a future in which the current trends of opioid addiction and overdose continue to rise. 

Students then created newspapers from both possible futures:  The year 2055 to be exact.  Some papers reported from the bright future, free from opioid abuse; and some from the dark future where opioid addiction continued to grow at alarming rates.   

These newspapers, along with a REAL DELOREAN TIME MACHINE, were on display for the public at the fourth annual “Taking Back Maine’s Future” event on Thursday May 4th 2023 at Windham Middle School.    For more information, see

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