Fiddle music and dancing

Folks of all ages are invited to enjoy an afternoon of old-time fiddle music and dancing on Sunday, November 17, at the Danville Junction Grange in Auburn.
The featured musicians are the Mighty Folquemeisters, who range in age from 6 to 60-plus and perform on fiddles, guitars, mandolin, banjo, Scottish small pipes, bodhran (Irish hand drum) and spoons.
The program will kick off at 2 p.m. with a 40-minute concert of lively Celtic jigs and reels as well as some French-Canadian favorites. Then caller Cindy Larock will invite attendees up onto the floor to try out some traditional New England and Quebecois contra and square dances. “I plan to start off with some fun-and-easy dances that are guaranteed to be user-friendly for everyone, even if they’ve never danced before,” said Larock, who was designated several years ago by the Maine Arts Commission as a Master Artist in folk dancing.
Since dancers are likely to work up an appetite before the afternoon is over, Grange members will have a table of delectable home-baked goods available for purchase, as well as coffee and cold drinks.
As an added bonus, there will be a plant sale boasting an array of colorful cyclamens and, in anticipation of the Christmas holidays, a special “Bible Collection” featuring angel-wing begonias, prayer plants, wandering Jews and Moses-in-the-Bullrushes. Also offered will be an assortment of vintage house plants such as Swedish ivy, beefsteak begonias and spider plants. Proceeds from the plant sale are earmarked to benefit Whiting Farm/John F. Murphy Homes and the youth music program of the Maine Folque Co-op, which provides mentoring for the Mighty Folquemeisters.
Admission to the concert and dance is $6, or $20 for a family of four, with children under age 10 admitted free of charge. The Danville Junction Grange is located at 15 Grange Street, off Old Danville Road in Auburn.
This event is cosponsored by the Danville Junction Grange and the Maine Folque Co-op. More information is available by calling (207) 782-0386.