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This week’s edition!

Enough is Enough: Appalling conduct; parade of flags; and 60-plus years of service

By Bob Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

We don’t need no stinkin’ education, we need reinforcement of polite cultural etiquette.

Last week at a Joint Workshop of the Lewiston City Council and the Planning Board, a discussion was held as to how the city would address the appalling conduct of Bates College students who rent apartments in the area of White and Davis Streets during the college year.

Every fall, Bates seniors descend on Lewiston’s White Street/Davis Street neighborhood like Huns out of the Middle Ages, disrupting the neighborhoods’ tranquility. Neighbors are forced to endure weekends of loud parties that go on well into the night, criminal mischief and public urination on neighbor’s properties and the occasional lower division three football player ready to assault party goers and neighbors alike after being fortified by 3.2 beer.

The meeting should have lasted no longer than 30 minutes. At that time, a course of action should have been reached to rid the neighborhood of this recurring yearly problem. Instead, the discussion lasted for over two hours. What once would have been handled as a simple solution to a simple problem now must be solved through the prison of political correctness. God forbid we upset those Bates students responsible for the problem!

I’m from the old school: these seniors don’t need educational instruction in manners. They need to be introduced to “Behavior Modification.”

First, we identify the neighborhood buildings that will be housing these Bates College seniors. Then we will contact the landlords of these buildings for a list of tenants and any room number they might rent. With the cooperation of the Bates College administration, a letter will be sent to the legal residence of each senior living off campus, reminding them although they are welcome guests in our community, we will have zero tolerance towards unacceptable behavior that upsets the tranquility of the neighborhood.

They will be advised that any violation of the criminal code statue or any civil violations will be turned over to the Androscoggin County District Attorney Office for prosecution.

Bates College has been a part of our community since 1855. With the exception of a few Bates College seniors, the staff and students have been a boon to our community. You would think that those few seniors upsetting the neighborhood residents would by now be acting like adults, not primary school children. Their lack of respect reflects badly on them and their immediate families.

My message: Grow up before it’s too late.

It is both with deep regret and best wishes for a long, happy life that I note the retirement of Assistant City Administrator Phil Nadeau and Purchasing Agent Norm Beauparlant. Their combined service of 60-plus years has proved a tremendous asset to the citizens of Lewiston. During my five-and-a-half years as mayor, any success that has been attributed to me has been the result of the work done by Phil, Norm and the many city staff members whose efforts have moved Lewiston forward. I set the path, but they blazed the trail.

During last week’s Refugee Day Celebration at Simard Payne Park, a parade of flags was held. When the name of each country was announced, an individual marched in front of the crowd carrying the flag of that country. I was pleasantly surprised at the thunderous applause by the crowd when the American flag was paraded by.

Lastly, two days ago we celebrated the 241st birthday of our country—a country by far the greatest nation on the Earth. Happy belated birthday, America!

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