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This week’s edition!

CM Education Foundation honors achievements at annual dinner

Award recipients honored (seated, l.-r.) Liz Oken, staff person of the year; Kim Pfusch,“Yes I Can” award; Janelle Thornley and Chyanna Millett-Cordwell,  All-Maine academic team; Brianna Crosby, student of the year; Jeanne A.K. Hey and Paulette St. Ours from the University of New England, partner of the year; Julie Hansen, scholarship recipient of the year. Standing (l.-r.) Carrington Miller, male athlete of the year; Bob Brainerd, president’s award; Eileen Steck and Karen White, faculty members of the year; Jack Buckley, adjunct faculty member of the year; Laura Soohey, female athlete of the year; Rick Tardiff, alumnus of the year; Jennie Ingall, “Against All Odds” award. (See story and more photos on page 4)

Award recipients honored (seated, l.-r.) Liz Oken, staff person of the year; Kim Pfusch,“Yes I Can” award; Janelle Thornley and Chyanna Millett-Cordwell, All-Maine academic team; Brianna Crosby, student of the year; Jeanne A.K. Hey and Paulette St. Ours from the University of New England, partner of the year; Julie Hansen, scholarship recipient of the year. Standing (l.-r.) Carrington Miller, male athlete of the year; Bob Brainerd, president’s award; Eileen Steck and Karen White, faculty members of the year; Jack Buckley, adjunct faculty member of the year; Laura Soohey, female athlete of the year; Rick Tardiff, alumnus of the year; Jennie Ingall, “Against All Odds” award. (See story and more photos on page 4)


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