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This week’s edition!

APD Leadercast to feature Tim Tebow, Soledad O’Brien

The Auburn Police Department looked at four years of crime data and found that 23% of all crimes committed by youth offenders in Auburn took place within an area of less than half a square mile.

They found that 25% of all police calls for service and 28% of all youth victims were victimized in this same area.

In an effort to transform these statistics and provide positive and horizon-broadening experiences for at-risk youth, the APD established the Auburn Police Activities League.

Auburn PAL is in the process of creating a PAL Center in the Chestnut Street neighborhood, at the heart of the half-square-mile area identified by crime data.

“The numbers tell us this is an area that needs special focus,” said Auburn Police Chief Phil Crowell. “The Center will provide activities for kids after school and during the summer, not to mention positive interaction with police officers.”

Now, community and business leaders can support Auburn PAL while learning from some of the world’s most influential voices by attending the Chick-fil-A Leadercast on Friday, May 4.

This day-long leadership training event is broadcast live from Atlanta to hundreds of sites throughout the nation. This year’s Leadercast will focus on the power of choice. The diverse group of internationally acclaimed authors, leadership experts and practitioners will share insights to help leaders empower and equip others at work, at home, and in the community through the choices they make.

Featured speakers for this year’s event include Soledad O’Brien, anchor and special correspondent for CNN; Tim Tebow, NFL quarterback, Heisman Trophy-winner and best-selling author; Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author and president of The Table Group; John Maxwell, leadership expert and best-selling author of “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”; Angela Ahrendts, CEO of Burberry; Roland Fryer, professor of economics at Harvard University and CEO of the Education Innovation Laboratory; Urban Meyer, ESPN analyst and former head football coach for the University of Florida; Andy Stanley, best-selling leadership author and communicator; and Sheena Iyengar, world-renowned expert on choice and author of “The Art of Choosing.“

“This is a great development tool,” said Crowell. “We are proud to host an event that not only builds and develops leaders within our community, but also supports programs for at-risk kids. This conference, although very focused on leadership, really shows you how to lead in life.”

This event is made possible locally by Auburn PAL; PuroClean of Livermore; Central Maine Community College; Patrons Oxford Insurance; East Auburn Baptist Church; and Twin City TIMES.

The Leadercast will be held at the East Auburn Baptist Church (560 Park Avenue) from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $99. Conference materials and lunch will be provided.

For more information, call Liz Allen at 333-6650 ext. 2070 or visit

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